ELG Danish Premium Sloe Gin
You know it by its color, but also the taste is very different from traditional gin. The name "Sloe" refers to the sage, which is a fruit related to the plum, although the sage is often referred to as a berry. The berry is small, only 1-1.5 cm in diameter, dark blue, and it can not be immediately picked directly from the tree and eaten, due to a pronounced bitterness. It is picked immediately after the first night frost has set in. Then the berries sweetened in sugar are soaked in our award-winning Elg Gin No. 1 for six months.
And voila .... Danish Sloe Gin. Buy it here.
We have put together a few recipes for your Sloe Gin cocktail.
Sloe Mary
6 cl Sloe Gin
3 cl fresh Lemon juice
1 cl Rose Mary syrup
1 egg white
A little angustura
Shake with ice gin.tonic.inspiration
Replace the port with a Sloe Gin Tonic
If you are tired of the port wine for risalamanden on Christmas Eve, we can highly recommend you try a Sloe Gin Tonic.
2 cl Sloe Gin
Top up with Fever-Tree Mediterranean Tonic
Garnish with an orange peel
Should it be extravagant, you can choose to serve it in a tall glass filled well with ice cream. Carefully pour the Fever-Tree Mediterranean Tonic over the ice until there are 2-3 inches left at the top.
Then you carefully fill in with Sloe Ginnen - which (if you are careful enough) will settle like a nice red top. A good idea is to pour it over the back of a teaspoon so the gin does not "plump" in.
Finish by twisting a wide orange peel over the glass, then place it between the ice cubes. Taste it ...
: Løgismose
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