
De fem vinderopskrifter - Drinks med Elg Spirits prisvindende spiritus

The five winning recipes - Drinks with Elg Spirits award-winning spirits

Winning recipes with Elk Spirits On the occasion of Elg Spirit's 5 year birthday, we distributed 8 bottles of ELG No. 1 for the best drink recipes. There were a lot of suggestions - thank you for them. Initially, we present the eight winning recipes with ELG Spirit's award-winning spirits The winners were: Claus Vogel, Michelle Tropp Helmundt, Morten Pedersen, Mette Rosenkilde, Eva Persson, Mads Meyer Eriksen, Tania Mortensen and Anton Sachse.   Here are their wonderful recipes ...  Claus Vogels ELG Spirits drink: Have your ELG No. 3 "Navy Strength" Get ready! Start with 3 cl ELG No. 3...

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Livets vand - en blog om akvavit

Water of Life - a blog about aquavit

Facts about aquavit (water of life)  Akvavit (Aqua vitae (cf. Latin)), means ‘water of life’. Aquavit gained ground in the Middle Ages, and was initially a medicine with added healing herbs - hence the 'water of life'. Brandy was introduced as a beverage in 1469, and since aquavit is of the same genre, it began to be used as an intoxicating stimulant here - i.a. by Christian IV, who was a big fan of brandy.    What is an aquavit? Snaps is a common term for both the aquavit and itself. An aquavit is a spirit which is thus very...

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Historien om Navy Strengths

The story of Navy Strengths

Navy Strength Gin  We are in the dark times of the 19th century in the waters of Britain. The Royal Navy's sailors are on full alert. There are enemies in the water and battle is inevitable. The cannons roar from the enemy ships against The Royal Navy's fleet and back again. In the heat of battle, holes are split in the British gin barrels, and their "Navy Strength" gin spills out, soaking through the cannons. A young sailor nevertheless ignites the gin-wet fuses and has the enemy ships sent down. How could this be done? The Royal Navy's sailors in...

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Navy Strenght - en sømandsstærk gin, der passer perfekt i din drink

Navy Strenght - a sailor strong gin that fits perfectly in your drink

ELG Gin No. 3 - Drink suggestions ELG Gin No. 3 Gimlet - The ultimate summer drink: A Gimlet drink is also known as a gin-sours, which is a super delicious and refreshing drink. Sour-sweet cocktail - perfect for everything from parties and cocktail parties, to just before dinner, and to almost any other occasion - maybe not just for breakfast, though… It is a strong drink, but also one of the minimalist author Ernest Hemmingway's favorite drinks. The drink originated in the 19th century together with "Navy Strength" gin, when England's Royal Navy was to sail for many months....

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